M’Chigeeng Ontario Work Program

OW applications please contact Tracey Joshua at Ext. 217 traceyj@mchigeeng.ca or April Corbiere at 705 377 5362 Ext. 238 aprilc@mchigeng.ca to schedule an appointment or any inquiries.

Community Placements: Provides participants with the experience to move to paid labour force with improved skills and self confidence please contact April Corbiere.

Food Depot
Food Bank dates Monday and Thursday’s, delivery will be from 2 – 4:30 pm. Effective June 22nd, 2023, to September 1st, 2023, summer hours are 2:00pm to 4:00pm.  You can contact Amy Mae Migwan’s at Ext 222 or by email at amym@mchigeeng.ca, also you can contact Colleen Debassige at 705 377 5362, Ext 222 or by email at colleend@mchigeeng.ca before 2:00 pm.  The Food Depot is available to all Band members that may need assistance. 

The Food Depot is partnering with the M’Chigeeng Health Services Department on a community garden, the garden will be located at the M’Chigeeng Health Centre.


ASI Program

If you are experiencing difficulties with addictions, ASI can help. The program’s targeted group is Ontario Works – ODSP clientele. Please contact Joan Hoekstra

Addictions Service Initiative – ASI Caseworker at 705 377 5362, Ext. 219 or by email joanh@mchigeeng.ca if you would like to schedule an appointment.

Ontario Disability Supports Program – ODSP Delivery Site
The Ministry of Community and Social Services and M’Chigeeng First Nation Ontario Works Program are continuing to meet on the ODSP Delivery Site in M’Chigeeng, we will keep you posted on our developments, November 2023 is the targeted date for ODSP delivery site. 

LDM Program:

The LDM Program is accepting applications for the 2023/24 for skills development.


The LDM Program can assist with:

  1. Purchase of Training
  2. Targeted Wage Subsidy
  3. Self Employment Assistance
  4. Mobility
  5. Employment Insurance applications
  6. Employment Supports.


If you are interested in enhancing your skills and bettering your job opportunities, please make an application for funding. Please contact Abigail Paul – Training Development Officer at 705 377 5362, Ext. 225 and abbyp@mchgeeng.ca., John Ense at 705 377 5362 Ext. 215 or johne@mchigeeng.ca.

YEP – Summer Employment Program is now accepting applications for youth summer employment please contact:

Menny Gordon Corbiere YEP Coordinator mennygc@mchigeeng.ca 705 377 5362 start date May 23rd, 2023

Kaylynn Payette YEP Coordinator June 7th, 2023, start date.



OW – LDM TRAINING Initiatives: 2023/24

Employment Experience – Training

  1. Employment Experience Program for the period April 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2024. All applicants must be a Band Member and on Social Assistance to qualify. Businesses can apply for the Employment Experience Program subsidy to assist trainees. The Program is a paid subsidized employment opportunity for OW Clients for up to a year. Please contact April Corbiere at 705 377 5362 Ext. 238 or aprilc@mchigeeng.ca

Employment Supports: Computers
Computers are available at the M’Chigeeng Administrative Office, 2nd floor. OW – LDM Department to assist community members with Job Search, training, educational opportunities, resume writing, portfolio development, etc., please contact Colleen Debassige.


Upcoming Training in M’Chigeeng
The OW-LDM Department will continue to offer new training initiatives for the 2023/24 year that will be offered in M’Chigeeng.  We are currently partnering with a JOB FAIR with E.Corbiere & Sons Contracting, they will be hiring community members for the M’Chigeeng First Nation Water Line Project, which will be commencing soon.

OW-LDM will be coordinating information sessions with Kenjgewin Teg, Canadore College, Cambrian College and Northern Academy Transport Training – NATT for upcoming training in M’Chigeeng.

Training initiatives we are negotiating with are Heavy Equipment Course – NATTS, Small Engine Repairs, – Cambrian College, Tentative date August 14th, 2023, Administrative Training, Bus Drivers License through – NATT, and Carpentry.  The training will be through Cambrian College, Canadore College, KTEI, and NATT.


Notes:  As previously noted we recently had three community members successfully complete their D-Z Truck Drivers License under Northern Academy of Transportation and Training – NATT’s, we now have a 4th community member complete the DZ Truck Drivers License, good luck!!! 😊








Contact Information: OW-LDM Department

Band Office Phone # 705 377 5362


John Ense Department Manager OW/LDM  johne@mchigeeng.ca  Ext. 215 or Cell # 705 936 6761

Colleen Debassige – Administrative Assistant  colleend@mchigeeng.ca Ext. 222

April Corbiere – Community Placement Worker aprilc@mchigeeng.ca Ext. 238

Tracey Joshua – OW Intake Worker tracyj@mchigeeng.ca Ext. 217

Joan Hoakstra – ASI Worker joanh@mchigeeng.ca  Ext. 219

Abigail Paul – LDM Training Development Officer abbyp@mchigeeng.ca Ext. 225

Amy Mae Migwan’s – Food Depot Worker/Admin Support amym@mchigeeng.ca Ext. 227

Keegan Peltier – OW/LDM Finance Clerk keeganp@mchigeeng.ca ext. 227

Menny Gordon Corbiere YEP Coordinator mennygc@mchigeeng.ca

Kaylynn Payette YEP Coordinator


We would like to welcome back Colleen Debassige and Keegan Peltier as the new Finance Clerk for the OW-LDM Department, welcome to the team!!!!

