Capital Projects | Public Works

2022-2023 Snowplow Tender

Animal Control Services


Stray or nuisance dogs may be reported directly to the Rainbow District Animal Services and By-Law Enforcement and they will respond to complaints as appropriate.

Please call 1-800-836-6661


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Murray McGregor, Department Manager
ext. 207,

Winnie Panamick, Housing Officer
ext. 208,

 Admin Assistant – VACANT

Allen Hare, Wastewater ORO,


Darcie Anderson, Housing Manager
ext. 239,

Treena Debassige, Public Works Manager
ext. 237,

Jeff Beboning, Arena/Complex Facility Supervisor

Murray McGregor
Murray McGregorCP/PW Department Manager
Aanii, M’daaswi Mkwag diizhikwas, for some of the peoples who do not know me, I am from Whitefish River First Nation, my parents are Murray McGregor Sr. bah and Marion McGregor. I have recently been hired to manage the capital projects & public works program. With over 20 years in the public works program and 18 years as manager I have extensive experience with public works operation and maintenance program ranging from water treatment operations, public roads program, public buildings operations & maintenance and project management skills. I would like to say Miiqwech to Chief and Council for welcoming me to the community and I hope I can continue with terrific work the previous Capital Projects & Public works Manager has done.
Coming to work in a larger community with a program that has operated very well is a challenge that I have accepted and will hope to do the past manager proud and serve the community of M’Chigeeng as if it were my own.
The first few weeks of work I have taken the time to get to know some of the public works crew the staff within the administration office and familiarize myself with how the operations flow and new duties entrusted in the office. Already the annual Ministry of Transportation annual report has been prepared and approved, the First Nation Infrastructure Investment Plan is under review by Chief and Council and will be sent out early February. Working with leadership we are reviewing the Capital Projects Public Works program with consultants to see if the program can be streamlined to serve the community better.
Familiarizing myself with the current operations and learning the history is the first steps with developing short- and long-term goals, managing the finance to achieve these goals is an important part of operations. Please be patient as updates and plans will be posted from my office and from the housing department letting the community know the happenings.

Reminder-people on drinking water cisterns (aka water holding tanks) need to keep the area open and clear for their regular water deliveries.