Administration & Finance2022-10-18T05:14:56-04:00

Administration & Finance

Administration Department


The administration department runs the overall day-to-day operations of M’Chigeeng First Nation. The departments within Administration include Human Resources, Communications, Membership, Lands, Treaty & Governance and Chief & Council.

Finance Department


The responsibility of the Finance department is to maintain effective, efficient and accountable financial operations while providing support and advice to other departments for projected growth initiatives in the areas of finance and information technology. The primary role is to strengthen the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of our overall operations.


Apply for a status card, and find all the info you need on Indian Registration here.


Accounts receivable, arrears collections and more.


Check back soon for updates!

Administration Updates

New Finance Manager – Welcome (back) Catherine Ense!

We are excited to announce that Catherine Ense as M’Chigeeng First Nation New Finance Manager effective July 17, 2023.

Catherine comes to us with over fifteen years of experience in finance, with a strong background in management, accounting, strategic planning, and human resources management. She has an impressive record of accomplishment in financial roles, including experience at the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres, the Chiefs of Ontario, and previously here at M’Chigeeng First Nation.

Please extend a warm welcome to Catherine!

Water & Wastewater Covered by ISC

ISC is now funding 100% of water and wastewater costs for residents (not applicable for businesses), effective as of April 1st, 2022.  If you have paid water and wastewater bills after April 1, 2022, you are entitled to a refund.

For more information, please contact the Administration Office: (705) 377-5362

Janet Debassige Celebrates 34 Years of Service with M’Chigeeng First Nation

Janet has been employed with M’Chigeeng First Nation since 1982. Her first position was as the Council Secretary/Receptionist, but it wasn’t too long after she started that Janet moved to the Finance Department to fill in as Accounts Receivable Clerk. This was meant to be a short term position, but she ended up staying on and still holds the position today!

Prior to 1982, Janet was employed with M’Chigeeng First Nation Health Services as Medical Transportation Clerk/Receptionist.

Congratulations Janet and Miigwetch for your service!


M’Chigeeng First Nation (MFN) transitions to Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT)


MFN is progressing toward an ongoing initiative to convert payments made by cheque to electronic payments via EFT. MFN is changing to this payment method to increase efficiencies, decrease its environmental footprint and costs. As an MFN Community Member, you’ll benefit from a faster payment process.

The EFT payment is an electronic payment that is credited directly to your bank account. This method is efficient, reliable and safe. Once payments are processed, an electronic remittance advice, listing payment details and amount is emailed to you. Please note that the electronic remittance advice can only be sent to one email address.
To transition to EFT payments, please reach out to Katherine Debassige, MFN Accounts Payable at 705-377-5362 extension 210 or email at for a form and instructions.

MFN is implementing this exciting initiative and hopes to roll it out no later than March 31, 2023. Please don’t wait, send in your completed form and get paid faster!

Your Finance Team

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