The Housing Manager is responsible for overseeing the tenant selection process and works hard to ensure the right individuals are placed in the right home, taking into account unit location, rental price, and ensures references are checked and scoring is evaluated.
The Housing manager starts by ensuring applications are complete and when vacancies become available, contacts those applicants to obtain updated information. Some applicants remove themselves from the waitlist for a variety of reasons (secured housing elsewhere, do not want to live a specific area or had changes to their living situation). Therefore, an individual’s position on the waitlist is fluid. Ultimately, tenant selection is determined by Chief and Council.
The Housing Policy provides a list of factors that were deemed priorities areas and determined how many points should be awarded in each area. As an example, positive references played a large part in the tenant selection of the newly renovated Lakeview 6-plex, in addition to an individual’s ranking on the wait list. The total point score will determine the ranking on the waiting list.
The Housing Policy — including the scoring — is a public document that community members can view on request. There is 100% transparency. Please contact the Housing Officer or Admin Assistant to request a copy this document.
The recently rented 6-plex near Lakeview School made a solid contribution in reducing the amount of youth and employed homelessness that is currently affecting M’Chigeeng, and provided stability to these tenants, many of whom were employed in fields where recruiting and labour retention has been difficult.