HIAH Corp Economic Development
What we have accomplished
- Own Source Revenue application to ISC
- LCBO Licence M’Chigeeng – Freshmart Grocery Store
- ISC Business Support Fund application – 2020
- ISC Business Support Fund application 2021
- Local Business Lighting program.
- IESO Energy Project application – Community Energy Champion (CEC).
- IESO Energy Project application – Indigenous Energy Project (IEP)
- IESO Energy Project application – Indigenous Community Energy Plan (ICEP)
- Community Cannabis Committee – formation of the committee to produce DRAFT cannabis Law and other related documents for legal revised.
- Community Development Officer Intern position applied for with Northern Ontario Heritage Fund corporation.
Local Business By Law # 1-96, business registrations review, updated and new registrations.
Benefits to M’Chigeeng First Nation
- Own Source Revenue funding approval of $1,100,000.00 from ISC. Being reviewed by C&C.
- LCBO Agency Outlet Licence approval for MFN Grocery Store.
- ISC Business Support Funding approved for $77,405.00 – FY 2021
- ISC Business Support funding approved for $91,000.00 – FY 2022
- Benefits were to 12 local businesses who received Lighting upgrades at no cost
- Funding approval of $165,000.00 for IESO Energy Project- Community Energy Champion (CEC) three-year employment position.
- Funding approval of $50,000.00 for IESO Energy Project – Indigenous Energy Project (IEP)
- Funding approval of $25,000.00 for IESO Energy Project – Indigenous Community Energy Plan (ICEP)
- DRAFT documents completed and to be reviewed by legal council.
- Funding approval of $31,000.00 approved and employee hired for this new Intern position.
- Local Business By Law #1-96 confirmed 55 business registrations updated for 2020/2021 and 59 for 2021/2022.
Benefits to Local Business
- Funding approval being reviewed by C&C
- No benefits as License was declined.
- $ 77,405.00 was prorated and issued to 57 local businesses.
- $ 91,000.00 was prorated and issued to 59 local businesses.
- 12 local businesses received $2,000.00 grant towards new lighting for business program.
M’Chigeeng Business Development Center
What we have accomplished
- Operations and Property Management of Business Development Center.
- Renewed Lease agreement – MFN Family Services and MFN Freshmart Grocery Store.
Benefits to M’Chigeeng First Nation
- Ongoing annual Property Management and Maintenance for the MFN Business Development Center.
- 2 renewed lease agreements for Business Development Center.
Benefits to Local Businesses
- Covid-19 Business Support Fund
- Business Lighting Program
Freshmart Grocery Store
What we have accomplished
- Surveillance Equipment purchase and install application to Waubetek.
- COVID-19 Grocery Store Retrofit Project application to ISC and NOHFC for expansion project funding of a Butcher Shop and additional product shelving.
- Application to Waubetek to fund an “Efficiency Review” for MFN Grocery Store.
- Application to Waubetek to fund the purchase of three Roadside signs for the MFN Freshmart Grocery Store.
Benefits to M’Chigeeng First Nation
- Approved funding of $10,000.00 for new surveillance equipment/cameras and installation for M’Chigeeng Freshmart Grocery Store.
Approval of ISC $838,370.00 and NOHFC $25,000.00 for the Retrofit Project. – MFN Grocery Store Butcher Shop and additional shelving. - Approved funding of $8,475.00 to complete Efficiency Review.
- Funding of $10,000.00 CEG program for three Roadside signs for the MFN Freshmart Grocery Store. Signs installed March 2022.
Benefits to Local Businesses
- New updated surveillance equipment installed for MFN Freshmart Grocery Store.
- New Butcher shop and additional grocery shelving for MFN Freshmart grocery store
- Review completed and provided to Grocery Store board for follow up.
- MFN Freshmart grocery now has three roadside signs as per its advertising campaign for the grocery store.
Other – 1. Marina Building
What we have accomplished
- Application to Waubetek CEG – Marina building Hydrological study. New funding sources being identified to complete study recommendations.
Benefits to M’Chigeeng First Nation
- Funding approved for $9,460.00. Study completed.
Other – 2. Community Complex
What we have accomplished
- Application to ICCGP for Unit #5 Retrofit.
- Unit #5 Lease Agreement development and signing.
Benefits to M’Chigeeng First Nation
- Application approved for $22,327.00. Retrofit completed fall of 2021.
- New Tenant and Lease agreement for previously unoccupied Unit #5.
What MERE GP Inc has accomplished:
- Tower Road Repair project
- Land lease/ Permitting Appraisals
- Enercon Maintenance Contract Amendment to EPK; contract price now broken up into 4 equal install payments (quarterly)
- Sub-station High Voltage Interrupter Repair; Unexpected but necessary repair
- Pole Switch and line maintenance
- LOW GRID Voltage Issue which impacted Generation
- Fewer planned outages
Benefits to M’Chigeeng First Nation
- Safe road access to MERE wind farm site; and decreased concerns for vehicle damage. Also there are fewer issues with road erosion, damage from snow removal and decreased costs from this maintenance activity.
- a) M’Chigeeng First Nation and associated permit locatees received a 10% increase in funds from appraisal process. 2a) Appraisal experience has opened awareness towards understanding appropriate valuation for property located within the M’Chigeeng First Nation territory as well as neighboring township property.
b) Appraisal experience has created awareness towards understanding what data is lacking (system and database) of On-Reserve property values.
- a) M’Chigeeng First Nation and associated permit locatees received a 10% increase in funds from appraisal process. 2a) Appraisal experience has opened awareness towards understanding appropriate valuation for property located within the M’Chigeeng First Nation territory as well as neighboring township property.
- Amendments to EPK contract enables improved cash flow towards project expenses; improved project payments improves reputation of M’Chigeeng to project partners and lenders.
- Repair of the main High Voltage Interrupter (breaker) at site decreased potential issues with Hydro One Networks and also minimized down time; thereby maintaining revenue generation from turbine power production.
- Clean and fully functional pole switches and pole lines contribute to greater efficiency; which maintains revenue generation from the project.
- Resolving the 3 month winter period of LOW grid voltage to site has kept MERE turbines more operational which maintains revenue for MERE and M’Chigeeng First Nation.
- Fewer planned outage interruptions with Hydro One results in longer turbine operation; less down time means more revenue generation.
Benefits to Local Businesses
- Tower Road repair project has contracted a local M’Chigeeng business and its employees; maintaining local business and possible side benefits to neighboring businesses such as gas stations or restaurants or grocery store deli.
- Land lease appraisal process was completed by a local Manitoulin Island business; increased relationship building with local professional and M’Chigeeng First Nation. Consultant may make purchases at M’Chigeeng First Nation businesses during the process (ie. Purchase lunch, groceries, or gas).
- Quarterly payments to the OEM turbine maintenance contractor allows better cash flow towards other maintenance contractors (MERE site snow removal or grading); faster payment to these businesses.
- Specialized contractors stayed at local hotel (Manitoulin hotel); contributing to the business and increased their revenue.
- Sub-station HVI repair may have brought additional revenue to local businesses; restaurant or gas stations
- Local businesses continue to be operational with fewer planned outages.
- Fewer planned outages cause limited to no impact on local M’Chigeeng First Nation businesses due to unrelated turbine generation directed specifically to businesses.