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PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise

Invites you to M’Chigeeng First Nation Council Chambers

Thursday September 28th, 9:30am

Welcome and Introductions

  • PARO Introduction
  • Women entrepreneurs introduce themselves
  • Introduction of PARO Programs and what we can offer
    • Free training from starting your business to growing your business
    • Paro GoForth – online business education 101
    • BizCamps – learning and mentoring programs
    • Mooka’amkwe – She Rises – bizcamp for Indigenous women
    • Access to Events to help you build your networks
    • Building CIRCLES of like-minded women
    • Funding Resources
  • Open discussions, questions and answers

We look forward to meeting you and helping you start or grow your business!

Please confirm your attendance to Carole email:  businessgrowth18@paro.ca or if any questions please call Daina Stevens at (705) 377-5362, ext. 232.

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