Saturday February 04, 2023 – 6 – 10pm
LOCATION: Manitoulin Hotel & Conference Centre
66 Meredith St. East
Little Current, ON
Master of Ceremonies: Craig Fox
Head Male Dancer: Tim McGregor
Head Female Dancer: Marietta R. Jones
Host Drum: Wiky Drum Committee
Co-Host Drum: Young Biisineh
Invited Drum: Chi-Geezis
6pm – Thanksgiving/Welcoming Remarks, Welcome song, spot dances, inter-tribals and more
7pm – Light snacks and beverages, inter-tribals, potato dance, spectator special, spot dances and more
9:30pm – Giveaway, closing remarks, closing thanksgiving, travelling song
Limited Vendor/Information booths available. Call 1-800-268-1899 ext. 2020
Everyone is welcome! Bring your feast bundles.