Please be advised that the M’Chigeeng Water Works personnel will be flushing hydrants throughout the community the week of May 1 – May 5, 2023
Customers should be aware of the potential for cloudy, discoloured water as well as water pressure fluctuations during this time. The water may be cloudy or appear white due to air entrapped in the water. This is a temporary situation resulting from flushing sediment out of the watermain pipes. Flushing removes accumulated sediment within the watermains that could produce bacteria if not removed. All water system users are cautioned to check the water before use. Should you experience cloudy/discoloured water, continue to run water faucet for a couple minutes to help flush out remaining sediments.
M’Chigeeng Water Department apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
This work is being done as part of M’Chigeeng’s annual water main and fire hydrant exercise maintenance program.
Approx. time and locations of hydrant flushing schedule:
Monday – 9am – 4:30pm : Spruce Street, Hill Street & Lakeview Subdivision
Tuesday – 9am – 4:30 pm: Hill Street, Alfie’s Way North/South, Vimy Rd.
Wednesday – 9am -4:30pm: Village Area & Pinewood Park Subdivion.
If you have any questions or concerns please call the Water Plant 705-377-5941 or call the Band Office 705-377-5362