M’Chigeeng First Nation is excited to announce the reinstatement of our Community Moose Hunt, happening from SEPTEMBER 28TH TO OCTOBER 1ST, 2023. This is a unique opportunity to come together as a community, honor our heritage, and provide for our families.

Call out for 4 licensed hunters and 2 cooks.  If you’re interested in being a part of this meaningful tradition or can lend your culinary skills as a camp cook or a licensed (PAL) hunter please contact Treena Debassige, Public -Works Manager (treenad@mchigeeng.ca, 705-377-5362 ext. 237) to get involved.

Let’s come together, celebrate our culture, and make this year’s Moose Hunt a memorable and successful event for our community!


Art Jacko, Enaagdenjged

M’Chigeeng First Nation