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Good afternoon kina wiiya, We hope everyone got to enjoy their long weekend! We apologize for the short notice but due to a scheduling conflict we will not be able to host the Leading with Kindness workshop as originally planned! To those of you who already signed up you will be receiving a follow up email later this week with an amended time and location, If you would like to be included in that email do not hesitate to connect with our educator via the contacts listed on the poster. Have a great week kina wiiya and apologies again for the oversight!

Good afternoon kina wiiya,

We hope everyone got to enjoy their long weekend!

We apologize for the short notice but due to a scheduling conflict we will not be able to host the Leading with Kindness workshop as originally planned!

To those of you who already signed up you will be receiving a follow up email later this week with an amended time and location,

If you would like to be included in that email do not hesitate to connect with our educator via the contacts listed on the poster.

Have a great week kina wiiya and apologies again for the oversight!

Miigwech & In kindness

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