From the Capital Projects and Public Works Department:

As part of preventative maintenance program, the Water Tower will be drained and off line for approximately 2 months effective Monday October 2nd, 2023 to Friday December 1st, 2023. A full assessment of the water tower was completed in 2021 and one of the highly recommended items was to replace the inner lining of the water tower. This repair will reduce the risk of failure and contamination of the drinking water supply and can only be done in the summer months due to humidity levels in the air.

With the water tower offline most of the homes on the waterline will be experiencing lower than normal water pressures. M’Chigeeng First Nation kindly requests that all residents reduce their daily water usage and restrict the out of the ordinary water usage to the hours of 8 pm – 6am (off peak hours).

Homes that require water delivery may experience different delivery times than usual, during this period.

With the water tower being offline and empty for the duration of this repair, the fire hydrants will not be available for use, as a result the M’Chigeeng Fire Department, Publicworks and Water Wastewater Operations have prepared a Fire Action Plan to ensure continued fire protection for the community. This plan has Standard Operating Guidelines, a list for mutual aid support and back up water supply (tankers) for assisting with fighting fires.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this communique do not hesitate to contact my office or cell # 705.968.0393


Murray McGregor

CPPW Manager