Aanii Lakeview Families!

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!

Lakeview School staff are set to go! We are all very excited for the first day of school on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, and for an amazing year of growth and learning together!

Classroom locations from last school year have changed, therefore, when students enter the school on Tuesday at 8:30, they will proceed directly into the gym to meet their assigned classroom teacher. Each teacher will be holding up a sign stating their grade. The list of staff is shared at the bottom of this letter.

The first day of school is geared to getting the students acquainted with school and class routines.

8:50-10:30 In class – establishing routines, getting acquainted with the classroom set up
11:10-12:50 Whole school assembly at 11:30 – raise school spirit, meet all staff
1:30-3:10 Outdoor based stations – each class will rotate
3:10 Dismissal

Please accept this as your personal invitation to join us at 1:30 to interact with students and staff at the outdoor stations!

Some of the stations are water-based activities, please send a change of clothing with your child in the event that they become wet.

Stations will be:

  • Basketball station
  • fire truck station
  • a variety of water relay games
  • bubble station
  • dance station
  • art mural station
  • drumming station

Introducing Lakeview School staff for 2023-2024:

Placement Staff
FDK Mrs. Taukei (Michelle Taukei), Ms. Lindsay (Lindsay King), Miss Florita (Florita Copada), Miss Ashlyn (Ashlyn Hare)
Grade 1 Miss Cass (Cassandra Bisson), Miss Sonya (Sonya Armstrong)
Grade 2 Miss G.(Kelly Gratton), Mrs. Dawe (Terri Dawe)
Grade 3 Ms. Harris (Julie Harris), Miss Georgia (Georgia Debassige), Miss Sheila (Sheila Eshquib)
Grade 4 Miss Fawn (Fawn Bridgeman), Miss Madonna (Madonna Andress), Miss Bri (Brianna McCauley), Miss TL (Terri Lynn Leighton)
Grade 5 Miss Nancy (Nancy Santamaria), Miss Sasha (Sasha Hare), Zach (Zachary Paul)
Grade 6 Miss Robin (Robin Debassige), Miss Lorraine (Lorraine Corbiere-Debassige)
Grade 7 Miss Patty (Patty Debassige), Miss Terra (Terra Paul), Sonny (Irvin Franklin)
Grade 8 Ms. Chintakunta (Sujatha Chintakunta)
Spec. Ed. Mrs. B (Susan Bebamash), Ms. Fox (Catherine Fox), Mrs. Fox (Nicole Fox), Literacy Support Teacher – Miss Ense (Ramona Ense), Numeracy Resource Teacher – Miss Ashley (Ashley Debassige)
Anishinaabemowin Ms. Elaine (Elaine Debassige), Miss Jackie (Jackie Mynott), Miss McGregor) (Lissa McGregor), Ms. Lorraine (Lorraine Debassige)
Physical Education Mrs. D (Deana Debassige-Wood)
Custodians Adam Roy, Mike Debassige, Ian Debassige, Tanya Schut
Cooks Martha Lariviere, Vanessa Roy
Information Technology Roger Brasil
Librarian Miss Joanne (Joanne Debassige)
Office Admin. Secretary – Karlee Demera, Vice Principal – Travis Corbiere, Principal – Gayle Payette, Director of Education – Kimberley Debassige

We will post updates on social media via the M’Chigeeng First Nation app, on Facebook – LAKEVIEW SCHOOL, M’Chigeeng 2022 group, and send out emails.

Please connect with us at any time! Hope to see you on Tuesday!

Baamaa pii!

Gayle Payette,


705-377-4988, 705-368-6434, gaylep@lakeviewschool.ca