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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Virtual Parent Involvement Committee Annual General Meeting for School Councils Election of the Parent Involvement Committee
(Please note that nominees must be present for their nomination to stand.)
Join us: bit.ly/RDSBPICAGM2022

Virtual FEATURE PRESENTATION Parenting Through the Storm with Ann Douglas
All parents/guardians welcome
Join us: bit.ly/RDSBPICPresentation2022

In this encouraging and story-rich presentation, Ann Douglas shares some of her own hard-won wisdom about thriving as a family while weathering some of life’s many storms – which is the focus of her book Parenting Through the Storm.
The presentation is based on interviews with more than 50 parents of children who are struggling with anxiety, depression, ADHD, an autism spectrum disorder, or
a related challenge and who are eager to share their
best advice with other parents.
Expect a presentation that is kind, encouraging and real that leaves you feeling anything but alone.


Ann Douglas sparks conversations that matter about parenting
and mental health. She is a frequent contributor to CBC Radio and a bestselling parenting book author. Ann is the creator of
The Mother of All book series and the author, most recently, of Happy Parents, Happy Kids and Parenting Through the Storm.
A passionate and inspiring speaker, Ann delivers keynote addresses and leads small-group workshops at health, parenting, and education conferences across the country.

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